
Service Project Sunday!

July 15, 2008

Are you on your way to ministry, or ministering on your way?

At Four Points Church, we never want to be known as people who talk a big game but don’t back it up. So, this Sunday after service, we will be tackling the first of many service projects. For the next fifty weeks we will be meeting at Pickett’s Mill Elementary School, and it is not cheap. However, Pickett’s Mill will see very little of our rental fees; the majority of that money is dispersed throughout the Cobb County School System. Instead of acting like, “We paid for this space, so you should bow to us!”, we want to serve the faculty, staff, students and parents of Pickett’s Mill. After service Sunday morning, we will be performing a few minor groundskeeping tasks at the school. And while it doesn’t sound like much, it will save them time and money that they can invest elsewhere.

So come out Sunday morning at 10:00 am (wear work clothes), worship Jesus, listen to a great, insightful message and then join us in serving.

See you Sunday!

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